Fintech Innovation Seminar Series
The Center for Digital Finance and Technologies within the Columbia School of Engineering and Applied Science, together with Blockchain at Columbia organizes a Fintech Innovation Seminar Series, which aims at providing exposure to the latest practices and challenges faced by start-ups and companies in the space of digital assets. While the seminars are mostly targeted at students wishing to gain practical knowledge in the web3 space, faculty, and research scientists are also welcome to attend.
The seminar series will be held Friday, 3 pm - 4 pm in Mudd 1127. Please see a map of the Manhattanville Campus.
For more details about the seminar series, please contact the organizers Prof. Agostino Capponi and Noel Turlington. If you would like to sign up for the seminar series's mailing list, please send an email to [email protected].